
挺有意思的是,wifi驱动部分提供了这个接口,直接拿 iwpriv ra0 stat 命令就可以获取到:

root@Widora:~# iwpriv ra0 stat
ra0       stat:
CurrentTemperature              = 51
Tx success                      = 0
Tx fail count                   = 0, PER=0.0%
Rx success                      = 1118
Rx ICV Error                    = 0
Rx with CRC                     = 807, PER=41.9%
Rx with PhyErr                  = 0
Rx with PlcpErr                 = 0
Rx drop due to out of resource  = 0
Rx duplicate frame              = 0
False CCA                       = 0
RSSI                            = 17 17 0
TX AGG Range 1 (1)              = 0
TX AGG Range 2 (2~5)            = 0
TX AGG Range 3 (6~15)           = 0
TX AGG Range 4 (>15)            = 0
AMPDU Tx success                = 0
AMPDU Tx fail count             = 0, PER=0.0%
WPS Information:
Enrollee PinCode(ra0)           37448820
Enrollee PinCode(ra1)           37448820
Enrollee PinCode(ra2)           47934580
Enrollee PinCode(ra3)           58420348
Enrollee PinCode(ApCli0)        01133943
Ap Client WPS Profile Count     = 0