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mangopi_r [2021/02/09 16:59]
admin [MPi-R1/R2/R3]
mangopi_r [2023/12/07 07:02] (current)
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-=====MPi-R1/R2/R3===== +~~NOTOC~~
-MPi-Rx(原TINY200)是针对全志超低价F1C200s设计的小型ARM-Linux原型板,一体化设计,迷你, 资源:  +
-  - USB-TTL CP2104串口控制台(开发必备) +
-  - microUSB OTG口(fel方式刷机、接U盘、键盘、摄像头、usb网卡等) +
-  - 16M nor FLASH 或者 128M nand flash +
-  - TF卡槽,可接TF卡或TF-WiFi +
-  - 40P通用RGB FPC排座<wrap hi>下接触</wrap> +
-  - 板载电阻触摸芯片NS2009 +
-  - 6P通用电容触摸FPC排座 +
-  - 板载MIC*1 +
-  - BOOT按键、复位按键 +
-  - 5x2.2cm纤瘦尺寸,2.54排针引出所有资源,双排针间隔20.32mm适合面包板 +
-  - 24Pin DVP接口(only R2 R3) +
-  - D类音频功放(only R2 R3)+
-{{::mpi-r3-1.png?400|}}   {{::mpi-r3-2.png?400|}}+{{::r3c-top.jpg?400  |}} {{  ::r3c-bot.jpg?400   }}
-  R1(首次发布,可搭配电阻触摸屏)  +=====Introduction=====
-  R2(在R1基础上增加DVP接口和音频功放)  +
-  R3(修复R2的触摸中断,新增电容触摸屏及Buildroot支持)+
-<WRAP group> +This micro development board is specially designed to run LinuxDespite a mini body, it has all the vital functionsEquipped with F1C200S as the maincontroller chip, the board offers various commonly-used peripheral ports: GPIO, I2C & SPI, SDIO, Audio port(recordplay)Video(RGB565 Display, touch, DVP)USB HostOTGetc. Besides, the board comes with a built-in 64MB DDR and onboard 128MB Nand Flashwhich fully supports Linux ecology and running complete Python.
-=====Buildroot on Tiny200支持情况===== +
-<WRAP half column> +
-====正常&测试==== +
-=== 启动项: === +
-  * SPI NOR Flash (W25Qxx..+
-  * SPI NAND Flash (GD5F1GQ4UAxxG..) +
-  * MMC 0 (4-bit TF卡或芯片) +
-  * MMC 1 (1-bit TF芯片,雷龙) +
-=== U-Boot: === +
-  * Basic LCD/GPIO背光 +
-  * SF Devices +
-  * MTD Devices +
-  * USB Peripheral +
-  * USB Mass Storage Drive Enulator +
-  * DFU下载方式 +
-  * TF卡刷方式 +
-=== Linux:=== +
-  * Simple Peripheral: GPIO, SPI, UART, IIC, SDIO, PWM +
-  * DMA Controller +
-  * Audio Codec: PlaybackMic-IN +
-  * USB: OTG ModePeripheral ModeHost Mode +
-  * DVP Camera: OV2640OV5640 +
-  * Display Engine: FrontendBackendTCON +
-  * Keypad ADC +
-  * AW9523B GPIO扩展 +
-  * AXP199 +
-</WRAP> +
-<WRAP half column> +
-==== 正常&未测试==== +
-U-Boot 驱动: +
-  * PWM Backlight +
-Linux 驱动: +
-  * Audio Codec: FM-INLine-IN +
-  * IR Receiver +
-  * Cedar Video Engine +
-==== 正在开发==== +
-Linux 驱动: +
-  * TV(CVBS) En/De +
-</WRAP> +
 +  * Built-in 64MB DDR
 +  * On-board 128MB Nand Flash
 +  * 420MHz system clock default frequency, able to be overclocked to 700MHz and above
 +  * Rich GPIO pins
 +  * Onboard SDIO port for connecting SD card or SDIO WiFi + BT module
 +  * DVP camera interface in support of cameras such as OV2640, GC0328, etc.
 +  * RGB565 display interface and 6-wire touch interface
 +  * Onboard mic and power amplifier
 +  * Low power consumption
 +  * Support complete Python running
----- +=====Getting Start===== 
-<WRAP group> +  * https://wiki.dfrobot.com/MangoPi_R3_SKU_DFR0780
-<WRAP half column> +
-=====硬件介绍===== +
-  * [[f1c200_chip|F1C100s/F1C200s芯片资料]] +
-  * [[TINY200|硬件资料]]+
-  * [[1bittf|SPI位置使用1Bit-TF芯片]] +=====MPi-R1/2/3/3c===== 
-</WRAP>+  * R1 (first commmit)  
 +  * R2 (added DVP and audio amp vs R1)  
 +  * R3 (fix R2 rtp interrupt, added ctp and buildroot, Mainly the nand version) 
 +  * R3c (change to ch340e from CP2104 vs R3)
-<WRAP half column> 
-  * [[mpi-firmware|固件]] 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP half column> 
-  * [[f1c_br|Buildroot环境搭建]] 
-  * [[f1c_mainline|编译]] 
-<WRAP half column> 
-  * [[f1c_flashrom|刷机准备]] 
-  * [[tinyflash|NOR Flash刷机]] 
-  * [[f1c_nand|NandFlash刷机]] 
-  * [[f1c_play|F1C玩法介绍]]